Wednesday, July 25, 2007

7/25 FL Panhandle

Had a rough start today with some car trouble, but somehow managed to make it to the boat ramp and slide the boat in. Had to drive the whole way to the boat ramp without taking a foot off the gas or else it would stall out and require jumper cables to get going again. Big thanks to David for caravaning over to the launch with me. Mark Powell from Arkansas joined me on board today for a bay trip for reds. Found some good fish up shallow in some areas flooded by the high tide. Found one laid up fish that was waiting in ambush for a morning meal. Mark made a good cast in front of the fish and it produced 4 eats before the fly finally stuck. After a nice fight and photo op, we released the fish back to the water.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


In the spirit of one of my clients this season from Norway, who had come to fish for 'tarpoons', I headed out today on the beach with a guide friend for some tarpon fishing. Found some fish swimming and we were able to feed about 5 between the two of us. Three of those came unbuttoned, but we were able to jump one a few times and land another. Shot some video on one fish.

Also got the clip uploaded to the videos page.

Monday, July 23, 2007

7/23 FL Panhandle

My parents came down from Alabama to visit me for a couple of days and I took them out on the bay first thing this morning. Its been an ongoing project to get my Dad his first red on fly and though we've come close in the past, it finally happened today. We had a few fish up skinny just cruising around looking for food. Dad's cast was in front of the fish and he let it sit till the fish moved onto it. A couple short strips and the fish blew up on the crab fly and headed out for deep water. After a good run into the backing he finally landed it and I was able to snap a few photos as proof of our mission accomplished. One more species to the list of fish my Dad and I have caught together over the years.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

7/22 FL Panhandle

Went out this morning with the fly shop manager Jason Stacy for some much needed fun fishing. Had spent the whole week on charters watching fish swim up in the shallow water with their backs exposed, so I decided to take advantage of a morning off and the neap tides and wade around for some of these hungry reds. Jason and I hopped out of the skiff and found a handfull of slot fish right off the bat. We took turns switching out with the fly rod and the video camera and started off the morning with 3 casts and 3 fish. Ended up going about 5 for 8 on the fish before we had to head back.